Cloning and restriction endonuclease mapping of the genome of an equine herpesvirus 4 (equine rhinopneumonitis virus), strain 405/76

Purified virion DNA of an Australian isolate of equine herpesvirus 4 (EHV 4.405/76) was digested with restriction enzymes and the DNA fragments were cloned into pUC 19. The resulting recombinant plasmid library, representing 92% of the virus genome, was used in hybridization analyses to construct restriction maps forBam HI,Eco RI, andSal I for the EHV 4 genome. The results show that the genome of EHV 4.405/76 was approximately 145 kb and comprised a unique long (UL) region of 112 kb and a unique short (US) region of 12.4 kb. Us is flanked by an internal and terminal repetitive sequence (IRs and TRs) of about 10.3 kb. TheBam HI andEco RI restriction maps are similar to those previously published for an English isolate EHV 4.1942 strain [4] although some differences such as location of an additional fragment and changes in positions of two other small fragments were found.