A severe ‘stasis eczema’, associated with low plasma zinc, treated successfully with oral zinc

SUMMARY: We describe a case of non-ulcerating severe stasis eczema in an elderly female associated with a low plasma zinc and which responded to treatment with oral supplements. The dermatological changes were not accompanied by oedema and were most marked over the lower legs and ankles, with patchy erythematous lesions extending to the inner thighs, over the dorsal surface of both hands and the forearms. There was some excoriation and a degree of lichenification. These lesions were intensely pruritic and resolved almost completely following treatment with oral zinc sulphate (220 mg daily) on two separate occasions. Histological appearances of biopsy material included those of stasis eczema but there was also a marked degree of parakeratosis. The cause of the low plasma zinc was not identified.