Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract by metastases from germ cell tumors of the testis

Six cases of metastatic germ cell tumors of the testis involving the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are reported. Three cases were primary seminomas, and three were nonseminomatous. All six cases involved the upper GI tract, three occurring at presentation and three at relapse, with a disease-free interval of 3 months to 10 years. Isolated GI involvement did not occur. The presumed mode of spread was by haematogenous dissemination in three and direct extension from paraaortic lymph nodes in three. Symptoms suggestive of involvement were severe abdominal pain secondary to high intestinal obstruction or mucosal ulceration, severe lumbar pain, and symptoms of anemia as a result of clinically evident or occult blood loss. Four patients were now disease-free after chemotherapy, one died of an unrelated illness, and one patient was receiving treatment for relapsing disease.