Wounds produced by human bites usually produce severe infections, which tend to spread diffusely, discharge foul pus, yield slowly to treatment and cause severe complications and deformities.1 Human bites may be penetrating or of an avulsive type, complete or incomplete. The common organisms found in wounds produced by human bite are Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus albus, streptococci of various types, the fusiform bacillus, the spirillum of Vincent's angina and numerous spirochetes. Eighty per cent of human bites, according to reports, are bites of the hand, produced, as a rule, by the fist striking the teeth of another. No case of human bite of the eyelids was found reported in the recent literature, and it is easily understandable that this should be a rare occurrence. The treatment of human bites has been the subject of numerous surgical reports. Ordinary surgical methods were unsatisfactory. Lowry2stated that for fresh bites undoubtedly

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