18 PLRV isolates differed in severity of symptoms induced on Physalis floridana and on three potato cultivars (Osa, Pola, and Giewont). Reactions of potato cultivars to individual isolates were not always related.Some isolates induced more severe symptoms than others in all host plants. Isolates producing more severe symptoms reached a higher concentration in potato cultivars (evaluated with ELISA test) and were more virulent to Capsella bursa‐pastoris.An interaction between PLRV isolates and host plants could be demonstrated. In general, the severity of the reaction of cv. Pola was related to that of P. floridana but not to the reaction of cvs. Osa and Giewont. The reactions of cvs. Osa and Giewont were closely related.All six isolates selected for a more detailed study could infect C. bursa‐pastoris with obvious disease symptoms if potato cv. Osa served as source of the virus. Some isolates failed to infect this plant when other cultivars were used.