Generalized Einstein relation: A stochastic modeling approach

For anomalous random walkers, whose mean square displacement behaves like x2(t)tδ (δ1), the generalized Einstein relation between anomalous diffusion and the linear response of the walkers to an external field F is studied, using a stochastic modeling approach. A departure from the Einstein relation is expected for weak external fields and long times. We investigate such a departure using the Scher-Lax-Montroll model, defined within the context of the continuous time random walk, and which describes electronic transport in a disordered system with an effective exponent δ<1. We then consider a collision model which for the force free case may be mapped on a Lévy walk (δ>1). We investigate the response in such a model to an external driving force and derive the Einstein relation for it both for equilibrium and ordinary renewal processes. We discuss the time scales at which a departure from the Einstein relation is expected.