The apparent incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysms among Rochester, Minnesota reidents increased seven-told between 1951 and 1980, while the incidence of thoracic aortlc aneurysms decllned somewhat. Rates for abdominal aneurysms rose with age and were greater among men. The overall incidence In 1971–1980 was 36.5 per 100,000 person-years. While all clinical classes of abdominal aortlc aneurysms became more frequent, the greatest rise in incidence was for small, asymptomatic, and uncomplicated aneurysms whlch suggested an important role for more complete case ascertainment in recent years. The secular trend in abdominal aortlc aneurysm incidence seems to be different from that observed for stroke or for coronary heart disease in the same community.