A means of storing Lolium multiflorum Lam. stock plants in vitro has been developed over a period of three years. Variousexplants and cultureconditions were examined. Shoot tips 0.3–0.9 mm long were found to be best for establishing storage cultures because they gave a high yield of plantlets in culture and important pathogens are eliminated. For sub-culturing, after each annual cycle of storage at 2–4 °C, shoot tips, tiller buds, tiller bases and nodes can be used. Tiller buds were most abundant and best for increasing the number of stored plantlets when necessary. There was no advantage of including an auxin in the culture medium for shoot tips and Murashige and Skoog's medium with 0.2 mg l−1 kinetin has been adopted for initiating, sub-culturing and storing cultures. The optimum temperature range for regenerating plantlets was 20–25 °C. Light was necessary for a high rate of plantlet regeneration and light quality and intensity affected their growth.