The Nasal Mucosa in Softwood Exposed Furniture Workers

Recent reports suggest that softwood exposed woodworkers may have an increased incidence of sinonasal carcinoma. The present study was undertaken in order to evaluate the histological changes, especially the presence of possible precancerous lesions, in the nasal mucosa of furniture workers exclusively exposed to softwood. Histological examination of nasal biopsies from 44 furniture workers and 37 controls revealed a higher degree of metaplastic changes in the former group. In addition we observed four cases (9%) of dysplasia among softwood exposed workers. Nasal epithelial dysplasia is morphologically similar to dysplasia in other organs where the precancerous state of this lesion has been proved. Acceptance of nasal dysplasia as a precancerous lesion means that histological examination of biopsies is an appropriate tool in identifying occupational groups with an increased incidence of sinonasal carcinoma.

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