Beta decays and related processes in theA=14nuclei

We present an analysis of the processes C14(O14)N14+e(e+)+ν¯e(νe) and μ+N14νμ+C14 (ground state) on the basis of an "elementary particle" treatment and of a "microscopic" treatment including the nucleons-only impulse approximation and the meson exchange. The elementary particle treatment in conjunction with data on e+N14e+N*14 (2.31 MeV), conserved vector current, partially conserved axialvector current, and a possible second-class axial current, yields 50 invsec <[Γ(μ+N14νμ+C14 (groundstate))]stat.av.<70 invsec and 95 invsec <[Γ(μ+N14νμ+C14 (groundstate))]F=12<210 invsec. The microscopic treatment leads to the conclusion that the nucleons-only-impulse-approximation and meson-exchange contributions to the C14(O14)N14+e(e+)+ν¯e(νe) amplitude may well be opposite in sign and comparable in magnitude so that the destructive interference between them contributes significantly to the anomalously small values of Γ(C14(O14)N14+e(e+)+ν¯e(νe)) and [Γ(μ+N14νμ+C14 (groundstate))]stat.av.,F=12.