Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Interference and Economic Thresholds in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Densities up to 100 downy brome m2 were established in winter wheat in southeastern Wyoming and west-central Kansas to quantify wheat yield loss from downy brome interference and to approximate economic threshold levels. A quadratic equation best described wheat yield loss as a function of weed density when downy brome emerged within 14 days after wheat emergence. Densities of 24, 40, and 65 downy brome m2 reduced wheat yield by 10, 15, and 20%, respectively. Wheat yield was not reduced when downy brome emerged 21 or more days later than wheat. Economic thresholds varied with changes in downy brome density, cost of control, wheat price, and potential wheat yield. In a greenhouse experiment, dry weight of 72-day-old wheat plants grown in association with downy brome was not affected by the distance between the weeds and wheat, whereas downy brome plant dry weight increased with increasing distance between the weeds and wheat.