Alpha-transfer reactions in light nuclei. III. (Li7,t) stripping reaction

The C12(Li7,t)O16 and O16(Li7,t)Ne20 reactions have been studied at a beam energy of 38 MeV. At this energy these reactions exhibit a high selectivity for populating α-particle cluster states. The angular distributions for these states have been analyzed using an exact-finite-range coupled-channels Born-approximation code incorporating final-state cluster wave functions derived from an α-core folded potential. The resulting α-particle spectroscopic factors (Sα) for the 0+, 2+, and 4+ members of the Ne20 ground state band are in good agreement with cluster model predictions. For the 7.12-MeV (1) state in O16, the spectroscopic factor (Sα0.20) is consistent with other analyses but is uncertain by a factor of 2 due to the presence of significant compound-nuclear contributions to this transition. In general, for those states which are not selectively populated at forward angles the measured angular distributions are well described by a Hauser-Feshbach calculation. In particular it is shown that both the magnitude and shape of the angular distributions for the 11.10-MeV (4+) state populated in the C12(Li6,d)O16 and C12(Li7,t)O16 reactions can be well accounted for in terms of statistical compound-nuclear contributions. The elastic scattering of Li7 ions from several light targets has also been studied and optical-model potentials derived.

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