Novel dialkylamides of titanium(III) and titanium(II) are reported. Dialkylamides of titanium(III) are prepared by (i) salt elimination (TiCl3/3LiNR2; (π-C5H5)2TiCl/LiNR2); (ii) amine elimination {Ti(NMe2)3/C5H6 for [π(C5H5)Ti(NMe2)2]2}; or (iii) transamination (for mixed dialkylamides). For (i) when R = isopropyl, two chlorines were displaced from TiCl3; in all other cases total replacement of chlorine was achieved. Dialkylamides of titanium(II) were prepared by the volatility controlled disproportionation: 2TiIII TiII+ TiIV. The structures of the dialkylamides of titanium(III) are of interest because they are amido-bridged and show strong metal–metal interaction.