Spray Dried Soymilk Used in Reduced Fat Pork Sausage Patties

Spray‐dried soymilks (SDSM) prepared from standard and lipoxygenase‐null soybeans were incorporated into reduced fat pork sausage (PS). Comparisons of fat content, tenderness and consumer acceptance of SDSM PS with cooked regular (∼30% fat), lean (∼13% fat) and car‐rageenan (0.4%) formulations were made. SDSM mixtures had 50‐60% less fat and 41% lower caloric content than regular PS. Protein content and cooking yield were higher in SDSM PS than in regular PS. Texture of lean PS was improved by addition of SDSM, without alteration of flavor. No differences in PS flavor were noted between SDSMs or among formulations.