Plasmids of Human Strains of Yersinia enterocolitica: Molecular Relatedness and Possible Importance for Pathogenesis

One hundred fifteen strains of Yersinia enterocolitica were examined for plasmids and plasmid-mediated pathogenic properties. Human strains of serotypes O:3 and O:9 harbored plasmids of 46 and 44 megadaltons, respectively, with 90% homology of DNA sequences. The plasmid-mediated properties were calcium dependence, survival in human serum, conjunctivitis provocation in guinea pigs, and O agglutinogens. One strain of serotype O:8 harbored a 42-megadalton plasmid with 75% sequence homology with plasmids of serotypes O:3 and O:9. An additional plasmid-mediated property was lethality for white mice. Filter hybridization of restriction endonuclease-digested plasmid DNA indicated that a 5.6-megadalton fragment of the plasmid of serotype O:8 had virtually no sequence homology with plasmid DNA of serotypes O:3 and O:9 and therefore may be associated with the lethal factor for mice.