Analysis of Maximum Detrusor Contraction Power in Relation to Bladder Emptying in Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Enlargement

PURPOSE: We evaluate the relationship among post-voiding residual urine volume, bladder outlet obstruction and maximum detrusor contractility power. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated urodynamically and retrospectively 242 elderly men with various grades of bladder outlet obstruction and symptoms. RESULTS: Residual urine predominantly correlated with bladder outlet obstruction and not with maximum detrusor contractility power. Maximum detrusor contractility power showed significant positive correlation with bladder outlet obstruction. Urodynamically, the detrusor compensates for bladder outlet obstruction with elevated maximum detrusor contractility power. Decay of contraction during micturition however, hampers effective emptying. CONCLUSIONS: Maximum detrusor contractility power limits for normal detrusor contractility must be related to bladder outlet obstruction grade. Based on the results of our analysis, new limits showing improved correlation with complete emptying were derive