The effect of acute whole body exposure to ionizing radiation was investigated on intestinal vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptors and adenylate cyclase activity in membranes isolated from pig jejunum. Pigs under light anaesthesia were exposed to a single dose (6 Gy) of gamma (gamma) or to mixed neutron/gamma field (ratio 1:1; neutron/gamma) irradiation. Seven days after irradiation, plasma-membranes were prepared from post mortem jejunal mucosal scrapings. Marker enzyme activities (sucrase, leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), Na,K-ATPase) were measured in each preparation. The characteristics (KD, Bmax) of VIP receptors were determined using 125I-labelled VIP. In addition VIP-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity was measured. Results showed that enzyme activities were reduced following both gamma (sucrase 67%; LAP 53%; Na/K-ATPase 29%; N = 7) and neutron/gamma (sucrase 53%; LAP 59%; Na/K-ATPase 68%; N = 5) compared with control values (N = 5). VIP receptor affinity was decreased following either type of irradiation (gamma or neutron/gamma P < 0.01) and receptor numbers increased. Both VIP- and forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activities were reduced but the sensitivity of the enzyme remained the same for VIP (EC50 values (nmol dm-3)-control-1.27 +/- 0.35; gamma-2.18 +/- 0.41; neutron/gamma-1.91 +/- 0.28). In conclusion, exposure to either gamma or neutron/gamma irradiation attenuates intestinal enzyme activities and VIP receptor affinity but increases VIP receptor numbers.