Substance Use as a Measure of Social Integration for Women of Different Ethnocultural Groups into Mainstream Culture in a Pluralist Society: The Example of Canada

Analysis of Canadian data from the 1989 National Alcohol and Drugs Survey was used to identify profiles of alcohol and other drug-using behaviors among Canadian women of different ethnic or cultural groups. The profile considered 110 different substance use variables including alcohol or drug type used, quantity, frequency, drinking or drug-taking circumstances, beverage preference, reasons for drinking or not drinking, and opinions regarding appropriate drinking or drug-taking behavior of Canadian women who described themselves as belonging to the "Canadian," French, English, German/Dutch, Irish, Scottish, Ukrainian/Polish, Italian/Portuguese, and "Other" (Chinese, Jewish, and "Other") ethnic or cultural groups. Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use behavior was found to differ by ethnocultural group. Further, each ethnocultural group was found to differ from the national average. The amount of difference between the national average and each ethnocultural group was related to the period of arrival and the length of time that an ethnocultural group has been present in Canada. The degree of similarity or difference between each ethnocultural group and the mainstream national average for alcohol, tobacco, and drug use and drug-use behavior may be used to measure the degree of social integration of each ethnocultural group and the degree of acculturation of women of specific ethnocultural groups into mainstream Canadian society.

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