Rationale and Technique of Nerve Sparing Radical Cystectomy Before an Orthotopic Neobladder Procedure in Women

We developed refinements in the technique of cystectomy and subsequent intestine to urethra anastomosis to improve postoperative results in women undergoing anterior exenteration and creation of an orthotopic neobladder to the urethra. Anatomical dissection and microdissection studies were performed on formalin-carbol fixed adult cadavers and correlated with previous anatomical and clinical findings. The resulting surgical variations were performed in 5 carefully selected women undergoing lower urinary tract reconstruction. Optimal postoperative results in regard to continence and voiding without compromising oncological outcome may be obtained by preserving the entire lateral vaginal walls, performing nerve sparing dissection of the bladder neck and proximal urethra, removing 1 cm. proximal urethra en bloc with the cystectomy specimen and using additional attachments of the anastomosed intestinal pouch to surrounding pelvic structures. Patients achieved day and night continence after 6 months, mean pouch volume was 580 cc (range 450 to 750) and residual volumes ranged from 0 to 150 cc. No tumor recurred after 6 to 17 months. Refinements in the technique of radical cystectomy and orthotopic neobladder to the urethra in women may improve continence and spontaneous voiding without compromising surgical oncological outcome, and they further justify orthotopic diversion in select women with bladder cancer.