Automated Detection and Quantitation of Bacterial RNA by Using Electrical Microarrays

Low-density electrical 16S rRNA specific oligonucleotide microarrays and an automated analysis system have been developed for the identification and quantitation of pathogens. The pathogens are Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis, which are typically involved in urinary tract infections. Interdigitated gold array electrodes (IDA-electrodes), which have structures in the nanometer range, have been used for very sensitive analysis. Thiol-modified oligonucleotides are immobilized on the gold IDA as capture probes. They mediate the specific recognition of the target 16S rRNA by hybridization. Additionally three unlabeled oligonucleotides are hybridized in close proximity to the capturing site. They are supporting molecules, because they improve the RNA hybridization at the capturing site. A biotin labeled detector oligonucleotide is also allowed to hybridize to the captured RNA sequence. The biotin labels enable the binding of avidin alkaline phophatase conjugates. The phosphatase liberates the electrochemical mediator p-aminophenol from its electrically inactive phosphate derivative. The electrical signals were generated by amperometric redox cycling and detected by a unique multipotentiostat. The read out signals of the microarray are position specific current and change over time in proportion to the analyte concentration. If two additional biotins are introduced into the affinity binding complex via the supporting oligonucleotides, the sensitivity of the assays increase more than 60%. The limit of detection of Escherichia coli total RNA has been determined to be 0.5 ng/μL. The control of fluidics for variable assay formats as well as the multichannel electrical read out and data handling have all been fully automated. The fast and easy procedure does not require any amplification of the targeted nucleic acids by PCR.