Decanoic Acid Induced Enhancement of Rectal Absorption of Hydrophilic Compounds in Rats

The enhancing effect of decanoic acid (CIO) on the rectal absorption of phenolsulfonphtalein (PSP) was analyzed with a pharmacokinetic model. The transfer index of PSP from the rectal lumen to the epithelial layer in the presence of C10 was proportional to the product of the C10 disappearance rate from the rectal lumen and its calcium ion sequestration capacity. The enhancement of rectal PSP absorption by different doses of C10 was also predictable by using a permeability index, Pa, of PSP, which was defined as a proportionality constant relating transfer index and the product value described above. The Pa values of various hydrophilic compounds with different molecular weights were also estimated from their rectal bioavailability in the presence of C10. A linear relationship was observed between Pa values and reciprocal values of the square root of individual molecular weight. These findings suggest that the Pa index is related to the permeant’s diffusion coefficient through paracellular aqueous openings formed by C10.