Selective versus non-selective His bundle pacing

His bundle pacing was achieved in 10 anaesthetized open chest dogs by stimulation from bipolar electrode catheters positioned in the aortic root and right heart. Recordings were taken directly through plunge wires from the right atrium, high ventricular septum, and epicardial sites on the right and left ventricles. Six types of response were seen during A-V junctional stimulation: (1) low atrial pacing; (2) combined atrial and His bundle pacing; (3) His bundle pacing; (4) combined atrial, ventricular septal, and His bundle pacing; (5) combined septal and His bundle pacing; and (6) ventricular pacing. Pacing of the His bundle in combination with the atrium and/or ventricular septum is designated as non-selective, whereas stimulation of the His bundle alone is considered selective pacing. Nonselective His bundle pacing can be recognized from the surface leads by changes in onset and amplitude of the QRS with appreciable T-wave alterations. Although electrode position was an important determinant of the type of pacing achieved, a variety of patterns of stimulation resulted from variation in the modalities of the pacing stimulus, ie, polarity, intensity, and duration. Unless these factors are considered, selective His bundle pacing may not be achieved.