Summary In this paper, the nature, function, and art of a research critique have been discussed. A conceptual distinction was made between a research review and a research critique in order to further refine our thinking about two kinds of research analysis. A research critique was defined as a critical and objective appraisal of a research study based upon a penetrating and analytical examination of the study by a competent research critic. The general purpose of a research critique is to enable the researcher to refine and improve his research endeavors. It has the function of enhancing the researcher's knowledge and competencies so that he can discover scientific and humanistic truths. A research critique can be viewed as a facilitator in the ongoing professional development of a researcher who is keenly interested in becoming a research scholar and practitioner. A research critic is a person deemed competent to give a critical estimate of a research study because of his academic preparation and research abilities. The artistic skills and analytical abilities of a research critic are extremely important for a successful and useful research critique. A scholarly critic has developed the qualities of being objective and “nicely” judicious while offering penetrating and critical comments about the study. His critical analysis includes both strengths and limitations of the research study which should be viewed by the researcher as constructive suggestions to help him move toward excellence in his research work. Being a skillful and effective research critic requires a conscious working at the task and generally over a period of time. Seldom does one find a born research critic. Thus many research critics feel they are generally in the process of learning to become a good critic. Some of the anticipated behavior responses of the researcher and critic were identified. Regardless of the artistic competence of a research critic, both researcher and the critic experience some initial anxieties; however, the researcher may manifest considerable initial fear because of his position in relation to the critic. Empathy for the researcher is an important attribute of the critic. A successful and effective research critique usually reflects the artistic and talented skills of a critic whose academic preparation and personal attributes have been nicely blended together. In sum, it is the writer's belief that a research critique is an extremely valuable and necessary means to help any researcher develop competence in research as well as for the advancement of a profession. A research critique can be of considerable help in the explication and refinement of research theories and methods. Most important, research critiques can provide a healthy ongoing interchange and debate on research matters which are important to the profession or to an individual. It seems safe to predict that the ultimate consequences from the regular use of research critiques will be the full professional development of potential researchers and the steady advancement of a discipline or profession which is deeply interested in understanding human behavior.

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