Altered levels of mononuclear leukocytes in tumor-bearing rats: decrease of helper T lymphocytes and increase of suppressor cells.

In the spleen and peripheral blood of BN rats with progressive tumors, W3/25+ T helper cells were significantly reduced and OX8+ T suppressor/cytotoxic cells were significantly increased. The ratio of helper to suppressor elements was decreased to 1.6 from a ratio of 3 in normal BN rats without tumors, and this decreased ratio correlated with tumor growth. When tumors were eliminated in vivo by infusion of effector cells (W3/25+ T lymphocytes), the levels of W3/25+ and OX8+ T cells returned to normal and the ratio of helper to suppressor/cytotoxic cells in the spleen and peripheral blood reverted to 3.0 or higher. Macrophages and null cells, T-sIg-, were also elevated in the spleen and peripheral blood of rats bearing expanding tumors and returned to normal levels after cure. Assays of spleen cells for cell-mediated cytotoxicity in rats with large tumors revealed little or no specific cytotoxicity. Cytotoxic activity was high in spleen of rats cured of their neoplasms by infusion of helper cells.