Effect of 15-Deoxyspergualin (DSG) on Rat Kidney Allograft: Immunological Mechanisms Implicated in Prolonged Survival

The effect of short-term administration of 15-deoxyspergualin (DSG), 5 mg./kg./day from postoperative days 4 to 7, on rat renal transplantation was studied. Although allografts treated with DSG survived longer than nontreated ones, cellular infiltration in both grafts did not differ. However, renal tubular cells of DSG-treated grafts proliferated well and escaped apoptotic cell death. A donor-specific tolerance 2 weeks after transplantation was developed, and cells with in vitro suppressor function were induced in such animals. Treatment with DSG appears to prevent lethal attack of effector cells on tubular cells in situ and to generate suppressor cells in the maintenance phase of graft enhancement.