Detection of Various Variant Verotoxin Genes in Escherichia coli by Polymerase Chain Reaction

We constructed common primers for the polymerase chain reaction to detect the genes for various Verotoxins reported, that is, VT1 (or SLT-I), VT2 (or SLT-II), VT2vha, VT2vhb, SLT-IIv (or VT2vp1, VTe) and SLT-IIva (or VT2vp2). A total of 80 Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli strains isolated from humans, domestic animals and meats gave a positive result by PCR with the designed common primers. Digestion by restriction endonucleases BglII and EcoT14I of the amplicon of the VT2vp2 gene gave specific bands of the expected sizes, but not of the amplicons of other VT genes, suggesting a possible method for identification of the VT2vp2 gene. Application of the PCR with the designed primers in diagnostic and epidemiological studies on VTEC infection is also discussed.

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