Mobilization of specific maternal RNA species into polysomes after fertilization in Xenopus laevis.

Unfertilized eggs of many species contain large amounts of maternal mRNA that are used to support protein synthesis during the first few hours of development, before the onset of embryonic transcription. We have examined the accumulation of nonpolysomal maternal RNAs in polysomes after fertilization in Xenopus laevis by measuring the distributions of specific sequences in nonpolysomal and polysomal fractions. In an arbitrary selection of 18 maternal sequences that are largely nonpolysomal in the full-grown oocyte, 13 became enriched in polysomes by the 16-cell cleavage stage. One sequence accumulated only 50% in polysomes at this time, while four sequences became polysomal later than the 16-cell stage. Several RNA sequences decreased in titer during early embryogenesis and were rare during organogenesis. Sequences that are mobilized rapidly and efficiently into polysomes shortly after fertilization and whose cellular concentrations are highest in embryos before organogenesis may provide genetic information for developmental functions restricted to very early embryogenesis. These experiments serve to identify such sequences in Xenopus.