Semen Characteristics and Chemistry from Bulls Before and After Seminal Vesiculectomy and After Vasectomy

Four nolmaal I-Iolstein bulls were surgi- cally seminal vesicnlectomized and vasec- tomized to determine the contribution of various parts of the genital tract to physi- cal characteristics and chemistry of semen. Semen volume decreased after vesiculec- tomy and also after vesiculectomy and vas- ectomy. Total spermatozoa output and per cent motile sperm decreased after vesicu- lectomy. Hydrogen ion concentration in- creased after vesieulectomy and again after vasectomy. Protein, calcium, chloride, po- tassium, sodium, reducing substances con- tents, and alkaline phosphatase activity de- creased after vesiculect~my while inorganic phosphate content and acid phosphatase activity decreased after each operation. Of these nine constituents, 61.5% were con- tributed from the seminal vesicles, 22.2% from the testes and epididymis, and 16.3% from the ampulla, prostate and bulbo- urethral glands. There was no significant change in free an~ino acids in semen after vesiculectomy, but there was a significant decrease in 16 amino acids studied after vasectomy. Total free amino acids were contributed 79.9% from the testes and epi- didymis, 14.5% from the seminal vesicles and 5.6% from the ampulla, prostate and bulbo-nrethral glands.