Is Globus Hystericus?

Forty-six patients, 9 male, 37 female, presenting to an ear, nose and throat department with a principal complaint of globus sensation were investigated by radiology, manometry, endoscopy and prolonged ambulatory pH monitoring to exclude a physical basis for their symptoms. Patients also underwent assessment by the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). The only organic abnormalities detected were an abnormal degree of oesophageal acid exposure (seven patients) and oesophageal spasm (one patient). Female patients were neurotic introverts on EPI testing; males were stable ambiverts. High GHQ scores were present in 13 females (35%) and one male and there was a significant correlation between N scores (in the EPI) and GHQ scores. We propose that globus is a useful, single-symptom model for the study of conversion disorders.

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