Search for parity nonconservation in atomic dysprosium

Results of a search for parity nonconservation (PNC) in a pair of nearly degenerate opposite-parity states in atomic dysprosium are reported. The sensitivity to PNC mixing is enhanced in this system by the small energy separation between these levels, which can be crossed by applying an external magnetic field. The metastable odd-parity sublevel of the nearly crossed pair is first populated. A rapidly oscillating electric field is applied to mix this level with its even-parity partner. By observing time-resolved quantum beats between these sublevels, we look for interference between the Stark-induced mixing and the much smaller PNC mixing. To guard against possible systematic effects, reversals of the signs of the electric field, the magnetic field, and the decrossing of the sublevels are employed. We report a value of |Hw|=|2.3±2.9 (statistical)±0.7(systematic)| Hz for the magnitude of the weak-interaction matrix element. A detailed discussion is given of the apparatus, data analysis, and systematic effects.