The unwed fathers: Generation recidivism and attitudes about intercourse in California youth authority wards

22 unwed fathers and 22 unwed nonfathers, all wards of the California Youth Authority, were interviewed, (a) More unwed fathers than nonfathers were illegitimate (p < .01) and (b) had siblings with illegitimate children (p < .001). (c) More siblings of illegitimate Ss than siblings of legitimate Ss themselves had illegitimate children (p < .01). More unwed fathers than nonfathers approved (d) of their own children's becoming unwed parents (p < .001) and (e) of extramarital sex (p < .001), but disapproved of (f) the use of contraceptives. They felt (g) responsible for pregnancies they caused (p < .05), (h) said they would marry a woman with another man's illegitimate child (p < .001), and (i) felt that their children would not be affected by their behavior (p < .001).

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