A fully integrated 70 GHz SiGe low phase noise push-push oscillator

This paper describes a fully monolithically integrated push-push oscillator fabricated in a production-near SiGe:C bipolar technology. The transistors used in this work show a maximum transit frequency f/sub T/ = 200 GHz and a maximum frequency of oscillation f/sub max/ = 275 GHz. For the passive circuitry transmission-line components, integrated spiral inductors and MIM-capacitors are used. The oscillator output frequency can be tuned from 63 GHz to 72 GHz. In this frequency range the output power varies between -1.8 dBm and +1.6 dBm while the measured single sideband phase noise is less than -103dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset frequency. To our knowledge this phase noise level is the lowest one reported in literature so far for an integrated oscillator in this frequency band.

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