Pasteurella multocida Gene Expression in Response to Iron Limitation

Pasteurella multocida is the causative agent of a wide range of diseases in avian and mammalian hosts. Gene expression in response to low iron conditions was analyzed in P. multocida using whole-genome microarrays. The analysis shows that the expression of genes involved in energy metabolism and electron transport generally decreased 2.1- to 6-fold while that of genes used for iron binding and transport increased 2.1- to 7.7-fold in P. multocida during the first 2 h of growth under iron-limiting conditions compared with controls. Notably, 27% of the genes with significantly altered expression had no known function, illustrating the limitations of using publicly available databases to identify genes involved in microbial metabolism and pathogenesis. Taken together, the results of our investigations demonstrate the utility of whole-genome microarray analyses for the identification of genes with altered expression profiles during varying growth conditions and provide a framework for the detailed analysis of the molecular mechanisms of iron acquisition and metabolism in P. multocida and other gram-negative bacteria.