Rapid analytical methods for the detn. of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg in the same sample of plant tissue are described. Organic matter is destroyed by a digestion procedure with conc. H2SO4 and 30% H2O2, which converts the N to NIL. salts. N is then detd. by a nesslerization procedure; K by a turbidimetric cobalti-nitrite method; P by a colorimetric molybdenum blue method; Ca turbidimetrically as the oxalate; and Mg colorimetrically with titan yellow. All of the methods are adapted for use with a photo-electric colorimeter. 100 mg. of dry tissue is the most convenient size of sample so that these methods are particularly suitable where only small samples are available. They were developed principally to aid in the rapid analysis of a number of samples in "foliar diagnosis" studies. A complete analysis of a sample for N, P, K, Ca, and Mg can be performed in about 30 min.

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