Production and Decay of η and ω Mesons in the Reaction π+d(p)pπ+ππ0 between 1.1 and 2.4 GeV/c

The reaction π+d(p)pπ+ππ0 has been studied in a bubble-chamber experiment with pion beam momentum between 1.1 and 2.4 GeV/c; the exposure size was 14 events/μb. The most significant features of the final state are production and decay of η and ω mesons in the reactions π+nηp and π+nωp. The η-production characteristics are well described by a Reggeized A2-exchange model using Veneziano-type residue functions. The ω production and decay characteristics are presented, and it is found that a ρ-exchange model with absorptive corrections is inadequate to describe these data.