Mood States and Milk Output in Lactating Mothers of Preterm and Term Infants

The purpose of this study is to compare psychological distress via both negative and positive mood states between 2 different groups of lactating mothers during the first 6 weeks postpartum with a large sample. Mood states were measured using the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List–Revised by a convenience sample of newly delivered mothers from 4 tertiary care units in Illinois. Preterm mothers' negative mood states of anxiety, depression, hostility, and dysphoria were significantly greater than those reported for term mothers. For the positive mood states of positive affect and PASS (positive affect + sensation seeking), preterm mothers had significantly lower scores than term mothers; there were no differences for the positive mood state, Sensation Seeking. Maternal perceived mood states had no apparent effect upon lactation as measured by milk volume produced. Further study is warranted to determine what factors influence milk output in mothers of preterm and term infants who are at risk for lactation failure.