When including clinical mastitis in the breeding goal, it is useful to know what measure of the trait is most appropriate and its relationship to the primary production traits and indicator traits in the relevant population. In this paper, genetic and phenotypic parameters for clinical mastitis, somatic cell production deviance, and protein yield were estimated for the dairy breed Danish Red. In preliminary analyses, the heritability for clinical mastitis was found to be highest in early lactation, and its genetic correlation to clinical mastitis at other stages of lactation were high. Therefore, clinical mastitis defined in early lactation was the measure of clinical mastitis used in subsequent analyses. Two bivariate analyses were performed. Each analysis fitted clinical mastitis and either somatic cell production deviance or protein yield as a continuous trait. The bivariate model was composed of a Gaussian model for the continuous trait and a threshold model for mastitis. The analyses were performed in a Bayesian setting, using the Gibbs sampler. Point estimates (mean of marginal posterior densities) of heritability for mastitis on the underlying scale were estimated to be 0.10 and 0.12 in the two analyses. The genetic correlation between mastitis and protein yield was 0.43 and between mastitis and somatic cell production deviance was 0.80. These results make clear the importance of including clinical mastitis in the breeding goal and the usefulness of somatic cell production deviance as the indicator trait for clinical mastitis. The best measure of clinical mastitis was to consider only cases in early lactation.