In the third volume of theJahresbericht ueber Hautund Geschlechtskrankheitenfor the year 1923, edited by Otto Sprinz and printed last year in Berlin, references to the therapy of skin diseases alone numbered approximately a thousand articles, including monographs and books, published throughout the world in one year. These are carefully arranged and classified under various headings, beginning with general therapy and listed systematically to conform as nearly as is possible to the various modalities employed today in dermatotherapy. Among them will be found the following names, most of them hyphenated with the word "therapy"—a list which, if quality and quantity are taken seriously, must strike terror to the heart of the beginner in our specialty: medicinal-, tuberculosis-, organo-, protein-, unspecific blood and serum-, specific serum-, vaccine-, cosmetic-, roentgen-ray-, radium-, artificial light-, sunlight-; high-frequency, diathermy, electrodesiccation and coagulation, electrolysis, refrigeration sympathectomy; to these one might add miscellaneous therapy, including surgery,