A) In the discussion in § 3, the triton exchange magnetic moment due to pion current, M(π), should have the value +0.13 n.m. instead of ≂+0.3. b) In the formula (2), page 167, the sign of f6(χ) should be replaced by plus. c) As the result of the correction listed in (b) the contribution from nucleon current to the triton exchange magnetic moment vanishes exactly, instead of -0.062 n.m. due to our calculational error. d) In the statement in concluding remarks the value ≂+0.24 should also be corrected to +0.13. e) Correction should be made also in the case of heavy nuclei. The table shown in page 169 should read as follows. (The values calculated when ϒ0=0.8 are listed here for the sake of convenience.) The authors would like to thank Dr. R. J. Blin-Stoyle and Dr. A. Arking who kindly pointed out the calculational errors.