Newborn With Transverse Facial Cleft Associated With Polyhydramnios

We describe here the case of a female newborn baby with a bilateral complete transverse facial cleft. Obstetrical ultrasound had revealed an increased amount of amniotic fluid from 28 weeks' gestation without fetal hydrops or congenital anomalies. A 1900-g baby girl born at 36 weeks' gestation presented with bilateral wide facial clefts with macrostomia, microphthalmia, nose, and auricular deformities. Her breathing was dependent on life support, which was discontinued 2 hours after birth. An autopsy revealed no congenital malformations in vital organs but the absence of the olfactory nerves. Polyhydramnios and respiratory arrest after birth were presumed to be due to central disintegration of swallowing and breathing, in this case with brain anomaly.

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