P0.1/PIMax: An index for assessing respiratory capacity in acute respiratory failure

We studied airway occlusion pressure (P 0.1) and maximal inspiratory pressure (PIMax) in 10 healthy volunteers (Group A), 10 early postsurgical cardiac patients on spontaneous breathing (Group B), 10 patients mechanically ventilated for ARF (Group C), 10 patients weaning from mechanical ventilation after ARF (Group D) and 10 patients extubated after post-ARF (Group E). We calculated the index P 0.1/PIMax in an attempt to link the ventilatory demands and muscle ventilatory reserve. We found that the sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing the need for either full (C), partial (D) or no ventilatory support (A, B, E) by means of the P 0.1 were C=(50%, 95%), D=(70%, 72%) and A+B+E=(83%, 90%) respectively. When the index P 0.1/PIMax was used they were C=(90%, 100%), D=(80%, 87%) and A+B+E=(86%, 90%). We conclude that the index P 0.1/PIMax increases the reliability of P 0.1 alone to correctly classify the patients that will need either full, partial or no ventilatory support in ARF.