The Inhibition of Growth of Bacillus subtilis by Ultra-violet Irradiated Carbohydrates

2 1/2 ml. portions of a 4% agar gel were irradiated for 3 hrs. at 5 cm. from a cold quartz lamp, operated by a 5000 volt sign-lightin.g transformer. B. subtilis spores did not germinate to produce macroscopically visible colonies when inoculated on beef extract, NaCl, agar media made from these irradiated agar gels. This growth inhibition is due to formation of a non-volatile, thermostable material, capable of diffusing through and from the gel. B. subtilis is similarly inhibited by the addition to culture media of 1% solutions of 20 carbohydrates and 3 carbohydrate derivatives previously irradiated frpm 0.5 to 5.0 hrs.