Topographic Basis of Bimodal Ventilation–Perfusion Distributions during Bronchoconstriction in Sheep

The distribution of ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) ratios during bronchoconstriction measured with the multiple inert gases elimination technique is frequently bimodal. However, the topographic basis and the cause of that bimodality remain unknown. In this article, regional VA/Q is quantified by three-dimensional positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction in sheep. Regional VA/Q ratios were calculated from the imaged kinetics of intravenously injected 13NN-saline bolus, assembled into global VA/Q distributions, and used to estimate gas exchange. During bronchoconstriction, large regions with impaired tracer washout were observed adjacent to regions of normal ventilation. PET-derived VA/Q distributions during bronchoconstriction were consistently bimodal, with areas of low VA/Q receiving a large fraction of Q. The standard deviation of the VA/Q distribution was 38% lower if small-scale (subresolution) heterogeneity (< 2.2 cm3) was ignored. Arterial blood gases predicted from PET data correlated well with measured values for Pa(O2) (r2= 0.91, p < 0.01) and Pa(CO2) (r2= 0.90, p < 0.01). We conclude that the bimodality of VA/Q distributions in bronchoconstriction reflects the involvement of large contiguous regions of hypoventilation with substantial subresolution intraregional VA/Q heterogeneity. Assessment of the subresolution VA/Q heterogeneity is therefore essential to accurately quantify global gas exchange impairment during bronchoconstriction.