Wrap-clipping with a Dacron mesh Silastic sheet

A technique combining wrapping and clipping using a Silastic sheet coated with Dacron mesh is described for treatment of fusiform or broad-based cerebral aneurysms. This sheet is easily tailored to wrapping the aneurysm base while avoiding involvement of the cranial nerves or branching vessels. The sheet is semitransparent so that the caliber of the newly constructed parent artery is easily adjusted during wrap-clipping. After the aneurysm and the parent artery have been circumferentially wrapped with the sheet, aneurysm clips are applied on the sheet so that the base of the aneurysm is clipped between the two leaves of the sheet. This wrap-clipping technique avoids the risks involved in extracting the aneurysm from the parent artery. The Dacron mesh coating the outer surface and sufficient clip closing pressure are both helpful in preventing the clip blades from sliding. Similar previously reported techniques are reviewed and discussed in detail.