IN the last decade there has been an increasing interest in the problems associated with the benign tumors of the stomach. In the past such lesions have been considered as relatively rare. Although reports now indicate that they occur with greater frequency than previously supposed1 a few of the types of benign tumors may still be considered as rare, and, of these, one of the least is the submucosal lipoma. In 1893 Tilger2 emphasized the rarity of this tumor, when he reported from a series of 3,500 autopsies 14 benign gastric tumors, 2 of which were submucosal lipomas. Eliason and Wright3 in summarizing 610 collected and personal cases of benign gastric tumors, noted 30 lipomas of the stomach, including 1 from their own cases. Stewart4 found no submucosal lipomas in a series of 11,000 autopsies. Minnes and Geschickter5 mentioned 32 cases in a series of

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