Soluble and nuclear oestrogen receptor status of advanced endometrial cancer in relation to subsequent clinical prognosis

Both soluble and nuclear oestrogen receptors have been measured in at least two separate sections from 72 endometrial cancers and 12 normal endometria. Concentration of oestrogen receptor is shown to be, in our hands, more meaningful when expressed per unit DNA than per unit protein, whether for soluble or nuclear receptor. Endometrial cancer cells from the central part of the tumour are shown to be receptor negative more frequently than those from peripheral tumour. Thus, in large cancers, biopsies from different areas are required before a tumour can be correctly designated as receptor positive, heterogeneous or receptor negative. The intratumoral variation of receptor status may relate to poor prognosis, since patients with homogeneous receptor-positive disease survive significantly longer than those with tumours showing either heterogeneous distribution of receptor or homogeneous absence of receptor. Intratumoral variation in receptor status is found to be more common in the group of patients who are within 7 years of their menopause, than in older patients.