Frequency Domain Structural System Identification by Observability Range Space Extraction

This paper presents the Frequency Domain Observability Range Space Extraction (FORSE) identification algorithm. FORSE is a singular value decomposition based identification algorithm which constructs a state space model directly from frequency domain data. The concept of system identification by observability range space extraction was developed by generalizing the Q-Markov Covariance Equivalent Realization and Eigensystem Realization Algorithm. The numerical properties of FORSE are well behaved when applied to multi-variable and high dimensional structural systems. It can achieve high modeling accuracy by properly overparameterizing the system. The effectiveness of this algorithm for structural system identification is demonstrated using the MIT Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE). MACE is an active structural control experiment to be conducted in the Space Shuttle middeck. Results of ground experiments using this algorithm will be discussed.