ALTHOUGH plasma cell tumors of the bone marrow are seen frequently and recognized as a histological counterpart of multiple myeloma, extramedullary plasma cell tumors are presumed to be quite rare. As a rule the location of these tumors brings them within the realm of the otolaryngologist, and most discussions concerning these interesting lesions are found in the literature concerning his branch of medicine. Occasionally an extramedullary plasmocytoma is called to the attention of the dermatologist. Because no reference to it in the dermatological literature could be disclosed, delineation of the salient features of this tumor appears justified. REPORT OF CASE The patient, a white male bartender 59 years of age, was referred to this office by Dr. Leo Conway for diagnosis and treatment of an asymptomatic left nostril tumor of three months' duration. Examination revealed a firm, cylindrical, flesh-colored lesion attached to the mucosal surface of the left ala nasi