Transjugular liver biopsy in high-risk patients with hepatic disease.

Records were reviewed of 160 patients who underwent transjugular liver biopsy (TJLB) during a 5-yr period. Percutaneous transperitoneal needle biopsy was contraindicated in 95% of these patients because of coagulation abnormalities or massive ascites. Moderate complications occurred in 2 patients. Diagnostic biopsy material was obtained in 129 (81%). TJLB provided useful information in 44 of 58 patients without documented alcohol abuse (clinical Groups III and IV). TJLB disclosed additional diagnoses aside from Laennec cirrhosis in 15 of 48 alcoholic patients with sudden clinical deterioration (Group II), including 11 cases with other stages of alcoholic liver disease and 4 cases of primary or metastatic neoplasm. TJLB revealed diagnoses other than Laennec cirrhosis, including 3 neoplasms in 6 of 54 clinically stable alcoholics (Group I). TJLB frequently yielded important data relative to clinical management or prognosis in Group II, III and IV patients; it was less useful in Group I patients.