Low Prevalence of Prostatic Cancer among Myelopathy Patients

To test the hypothesis that carcinoma of the prostate (CAPR) is uncommon among patients previously paralyzed due to myelopathy, the prevalence of CAPR in patients with high grade (severe) paralysis was compared to that in patients with low grade paralysis. Sixty-six records of patients with CAPR following myelopathy were recalled from the Department of Veterans Affairs medical database for a seven-year period, 1986–1992. Thirty-four patients were unable to stand (high grade paralysis) and 32 patients could stand (low grade paralysis). The minimal, expected ratio of high to low grade paralysis is 2.3, based on general myelopathy populations, but the observed ratio was 1.1, pJ Am Paraplegia Soc; 17: 148–149)